Stay for a Little While: A Song Celebrating Young Caregivers
Our friend Bakhus Saba, who cares for his mother who has dementia, has released a new song with the message that children bring smiles and happiness to loved ones living with dementia.
This song has an uplifting, cheerful feeling that indeed matches the in-the-moment happiness that I often see in the experiences of older adults with dementia when they’re around babies, young children, teens, and even young adults, especially when they’re family. Kids seem to have a special way of bringing our focus right to the present moment, letting the worries of the past and future fade while simply being together.
In this song, we hear the point of view of older people who may not be able to put into words how much they appreciate their young visitors, then we hear the perspective of the young people who may not yet know how to articulate how much they gain by knowing their elders. Still, after these glimpses of the profound nature of these relationships, we return to the simple words of the chorus: “Daylight/bring in the sunshine/make us smile/stay for a little while.”
So, in gratitude for all of the children who can “stay for a little while,” for their elder companions – and, of course, for the adults who provide transportation! – enjoy Bakhus Saba and David Light’s song, “Stay for a Little While.”
Thank you Rachelle for sharing our song. It is so important to visit a loved one with dementia, they long for company and I felt it was important to bring that out in this song. Thank you for your support Bakhus Saba