Learn how to bring together your staff and resources to provide
the music program your customers deserve.

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We provide customized consultation and training services to help you and your caregivers utilize music effectively with your clients in activity, social work, nursing, and restorative care programs.

How a custom consultation or training session can help you:

  • Activity directors can learn how to get the most out of music programs like SingFit and Music & Memory, troubleshoot music activity programming, learn how to use song spotlights for meaningful one-to-one visits.
  • Nursing staff can learn how to use music to help residents who become agitated or combative with routine care.
  • Restorative care staff can learn how to use music to make exercise groups more efficient.
  • Social work staff can learn how music can help with reaching residents who come from a different cultural background or who speak another language.
  • Hospice chaplains can learn new ways to use music to address patients’ spiritual needs.
  • Hospice volunteer coordinators can learn how to use Soundscaping materials to help their volunteers connect with hospice patients.
  • Home care agencies can learn how to use Soundscaping materials to help their caregivers make meaningful connections with their care recipients.


•  Developing and implementing an iPod program

•  Troubleshooting group activity planning and implementation

•  In-service training on using music for nursing care

•  Hospice volunteer training: how to use music effectively in end-of-life care

How it works:

  • 1 You'll contact us to get started. We'll follow up with a link to schedule a free phone chat where we'll determine if a personalized planning consultation or one-time staff training is more appropriate for your organization’s unique needs.
  • 2 After our chat, we'll present a custom-tailored solution with quote and invoice for your project.
  • 3 You'll schedule your consultation call or staff training. This is the point where other members of your organization will become involved in the process of improving your clients’ access to meaningful music experiences.
  • 4 Get your evaluation report.
    • If you had a planning consultation, you'll receive recommendations for the next steps to accomplish your organization’s music programming goals.
    • If you had a staff training, you'll receive a report on participants’ final evaluations and recommendations for future steps.
  • 5 Consider future projects. To keep the momentem going, we tailor your next consultation/training project according to the needs uncovered during our time together.
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See how else we can help you here.