7 Tips for Choosing Music to Support Movement/Exercise

If you read my last post, you now know why music is such a great support for movement and exercise. Now here are some tips for how to choose the best music for movement and exercise. I’ll address two facets of movement to music: rhythmic and expressive. These aren’t really two opposite ideas; they are…

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Song Spotlight: “Swingin’ in a Hammock”

Swingin' in a Hammock - Song Spotlight | SoundscapingSource.com

Mood: Relaxed Themes: Relaxation, Romance, Vacation, Leisure Tempo: Slow rocking feel to moderate Genre/style: 1930s popular Okay, I know that summer is pretty much over for school-aged kids, but it’s still pretty warm here in Kansas City, and summer won’t officially end for over a month. That means I feel justified sharing a song that I…

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