Posts Tagged ‘Elvis’
What Elvis Can Teach Eldercare Professionals
It’s a well-known story in certain circles. A poor white boy from Tupelo, Mississippi moves to Memphis with his family. As a teenager, he learns to love music – gospel, blues, country – and even without formal musical training of any sort, he decides that his future is in music. He goes to Sun Studio…
Read MoreSong Spotlight: “Blue Christmas”
Sometimes the holidays are hard. As much as we’d all love to live up to the pictures and stories we see on the holiday cards, jewelry store ads, and made-for-TV movies, that just really doesn’t happen to most of us, and definitely not every year. Sometimes all the lights and decorations and red and green…
Read MoreSong Spotlight: “Hound Dog”
Mood: Upbeat, full of attitude Theme: Dogs and/or freeloading gigolos Tempo: Moderate Genre/style: Rhythm and blues/Rock and roll We have a new family member in our house! This one gets around on four legs and has very long, droopy ears. His name is Duke, and he’s the adorable basset hound pictured above. I alluded to the inevitable canine addition…
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