Musical Time-Saving Tip for Caregivers of People with Dementia

You’ve experienced this before. You care for someone with dementia, and you need them to get up and move somewhere. They need to get out of bed to go eat breakfast, or they need to go out to the car to get to a doctor’s appointment. But the dementia is taking away that person’s ability…

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4 Times To Use Music To Support ADLs

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of caring for someone with Alzheimer’s Disease or a related dementia is this: When the person with dementia starts needing help with their activities of daily living (ADLs). ADLs are the basic tasks like dressing, bathing, eating, and walking that healthy adults can accomplish with little thought. For…

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Song Spotlight: “April Showers”

April Showers Song Spotlight |

Mood: Hopeful Themes: Rain, flowers, happiness Tempo: Moderately slow Genre/Style: 1920s popular song As I write this, it’s yet another rainy day at the end of April. After last summer’s drought, I am glad for the rain, but I am also very ready for springtime to be here in full force. So, the song “April Showers” has been…

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