COVID-19 Infection Control Protocol
As we continue to face the pandemic together, Soundscaping Source has adopted the following policies for infection control during in-person services.
We continue to provide and encourage telehealth and remote music services where possible.
Symptom and exposure tracking
Music therapists are required to review a checklist of symptoms each day before seeing clients in person.
Clients and caregivers should be aware of potential COVID-19 symptoms for people in their home, including fever, shortness of breath, or coughing.
If music therapists, clients, or on-site caregivers have a fever or any of the above symptoms, notify the music therapist to reschedule the session. Cancellation fees will not apply if a client cancels due to the above symptoms.
If the music therapist, client, or on-site caregiver is in close contact with a person who has been quarantined due to potential exposure or a diagnosis of COVID-19, they must contact Rachelle Morgan, owner of Soundscaping Source.
If a senior living community or other facility has any residents or staff members test positive and a music therapist has provided services in that facility during the previous two weeks, the facility must contact Rachelle Morgan, owner of Soundscaping Source.
In the case that a music therapist has been exposed to COVID-19 and public health officials recommend quarantine, Soundscaping Source will notify any clients (or their designated caregivers) seen in person in the previous two weeks.
In-person visits will be suspended for the quarantine period recommended by local public health officials. Telehealth sessions may be provided instead during that period.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Music therapists will wear cloth or medical face masks during client visits, for the entire duration of their time in the client’s home or community.
Music therapists have received training on mask fit and proper use, according to CDC and WHO guidelines.
Clients and any caregivers present are encouraged to wear face masks during sessions. The music therapist will provide disposable surgical masks to clients and caregivers as needed.
Cleanliness and Hygiene
Music therapists will wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after each client contact and/or entry/exit of a building. Music therapists have been trained on proper handwashing techniques.
Music therapists will only bring instruments and other equipment to sessions that can be fully sanitized with CDC-approved cleaners. Clients will not share instruments or other equipment within a session. Instruments/equipment must be fully cleaned and sanitized before use in another session.
Physical distancing
Where possible, the music therapist will sit six feet away from the client(s) or other participants in a session. In group settings, clients will sit six feet apart from each other.
The music therapist will minimize any physical touch or contact with clients.
The most recent research on singing and speaking indicates that loud speech and singing carry the same risk of viral spread. For that reason, music therapists may use personal amplification devices to avoid loud speech and singing.
For any questions on this policy, contact Rachelle Morgan, owner of Soundscaping Source.
Last updated 9/16/2020