Thank you for your interest in the Parkinson's Choir!

Our choir is currently on hiatus, due to a lapse in funding. If you would like to collaborate with us in restarting this choir, please contact us!

What is this choir all about?

The board-certified music therapist who facilitates the choir structures rehearsals and choir activities to address needs that are common among people living with Parkinson’s and their care partners.

Our online resources and the materials included in this packet address these goals as well.

Here are the goals we focus on in this choir:

  • Maintain vocal and speaking skills (strength and endurance)
  • Maintain and improve posture
  • Build friendships and community
  • Stay mentally sharp
  • Have fun making music

Important note: We are here for connection and fun, not for perfect performances. No musical expertise or experience is required for participation in the choir. You don’t have to do an audition or sing a solo (unless you want to!)

If it feels good to sing, and it helps you live better with Parkinson’s disease, then let’s sing!

Make Music Now!

Tips for making music at home:

  • Put on your favorite tune and sing along!
  • Find a jar of dried beans or coffee beans and shake it along to the music.
  • Kazoo along to a song or play name that tune, playing the song with your kazoo.
  • Play name that tune or artist with your favorite radio station, CD, or digital playlist on shuffle.


Try out these fun tongue twisters to practice enunciation!

  • Eleven benevolent elephants (x3)
  • Ingenious iguanas improvising an intricate impromptu on impossibly-impractical instruments.
  • He threw three free throws


How to play your kazoo:

  1. Practice humming with mouth closed
  2. Make an O shape with your mouth and blow out air
  3. Add sound with O shape making an extended “ooo” sounding note
  4. Put the large ended opening of the kazoo to your mouth, and make the “ooo” sound while gently blowing air through the kazoo.
  5. Try ‘ooo’-ing the notes of a song you know, (ex. You are my Sunshine) then add the kazoo
  6. For a video demonstration, check out the included DVD.

Get Started with Videos

Use these to warm up your voice and your body gently. Then you'll be ready to sing and kazoo!

YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video