Listen, Sing, Dance, Play Bring Musical Moments into the Rhythms of Caregiving book by Rachelle Morgan

Use these playlists to explore different genres and time periods with your care partner:

Playlists coming soon...

Top pop songs of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s

Classic country songs

Classic showtunes

Classical music hits


Try these vocal warmups to get comfortable with your voice:

YouTube video

YouTube video

Thanks to music therapist Anastasia Wheeler for these videos!


Here are some great songs to sing with!

(YouTube playlist coming soon!)

Enjoy this rhythmic Movement to Music video with music therapist Emily Schmeidler:

YouTube video

Don't have any instruments to play yet? Here's how to make some instruments out of common household objects. (Thanks to Emily Schmeidler, MT-BC for this video!)

YouTube video

If you have a kazoo on hand but have forgotten how to use it, try this video out:

YouTube video

Thank you to music therapist Anastasia Wheeler for your expertise!